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Best Movies on Admissions

Class of 2020 is now on cruise-control till the Fall and Class of 2021 is raring up to go. But mostly importantly, ITS SUMMER VACATION TIME! So we figured, this is a great time to revisit some popular portrayals of the process that teach us what we can take away from applying to college. For those […]

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5 Takeaways On Visiting Colleges

We may live on the other side of the world from universities in the US and UK, but some students take the opportunity to go visit in the summer. Why Visit? Visiting colleges can help you realize if it is the right place for you. You get a chance to connect with Admissions Officers, the […]

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Do Colleges Rescind Your Admissions?

IB exams JUST ended and ISC Board results are already out! While we eagerly await the CBSE Board results at the end of this month, you begin to wonder, “Were your exams good enough?” After working like a crazy person in high school, taking the SAT’s / ACT’s and finally receiving your college acceptance letter, […]

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