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New Year Resolutions: Admissions Edition

Happy New Year! Its January 2018 already and wow time flies. As an Admissions Counselor I’ve been working with students for nearly 18 years now (that’s right, my admissions career is old enough to go to college!) and each January the whole CollegeCore team takes a giant sigh of relief, prays for successful results, and […]

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Rejected: Class of 2021

Apr 1st, 2017. You wish someone would jump out and yell “April Fools Day!!!!” but they didn’t. #IvyDay has come and gone. Your dream school has crushed those elaborate castles of whimsy you had built in your head about your lives together. And life plain SUCKS. Like SUCKS!! They built you up with posts saying […]

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Summer School? But its not even Spring!!

While winter is barely over, and Grade 12 students are in the midst of exams and preparation, it’s time to think of Summer Schools for students in Grade 9, 10 and 11! You may think college applications are long off but unfortunately, time goes by faster than you think. Every year we get lots of […]

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What should you do when deferred?

When applying to colleges in the early round – Early Decision or Early Action, there are three possible outcomes: – Accepted – Yay! – Rejected – 🙁 – Deferred – ? I think a deferral notification can feel mildly traumatic – “This must mean I won’t get accepted anywhere!”  So lets explain what is going […]

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Should you give the PSAT?

Say you’re in the Ninth or Tenth grade, and you have your sights set on the United States of America as your intended college destination. You have all the plans to get yourself ready for the mad rush of Grade 12. The timeline has been set and you are working your way up, taking one […]

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