Book Consultation

Studying Matters of the Mind

You will admit, psychological thrillers make for the most interesting genre whether to read or watch. There’s no doubt that the human mind while being among the most complex organs, is also the most intriguing. Unraveling its secrets, understanding its complexes, finding that fine line between sanity and insanity is a project that can consume […]

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The Important Elements of Economic Study

What do Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo, Oliver Hart, Paul Krugman, and Robert Engle have in common? They are all Nobel laureates who devoted their lives to the study of economics. Economics is what makes the world go round. Quite literally. From historical evidence of ancient civilizations using a barter system for trade to the […]

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The Next Frontier in Technology- Artificial Intelligence

When Dan Brown wrote Origin, he wasn’t so much predicting at the future as documenting the present. Google, Alexa, and Siri are today a part of our lives and we all use them without batting an eyelid. Two decades ago, suggesting that something like would be an essential part of our lives may have seemed […]

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Advice for Parents During the College Admissions Process

The Vow for Parents: I will remember that my child’s college experience begins with this process of applying, and will be supportive but will also let them take charge. College admissions are stressful for everyone involved. The applicant of course but also, teachers, counselors and especially parents. So since its holiday time (and deadline time […]

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