As a parent, I had many apprehensions at the beginning of the application process, since we started late, but CollegeCore simplified a seemingly daunting process of applying to a variety of universities. Urvashi Ma’am and her team carefully evaluated Pranav’s requirements and helped him plan and execute activities thus building a unique and impressive profile. They worked towards presenting his strengths in the best possible light and gently guided him to complete the requirements without being overbearing. The essay brainstorming sessions with the editorial team enabled him to portray his life experiences vividly in all his applications. His mentor was friendly and approachable throughout and would answer my phone calls and messages even at odd hours. The past few months were stressful but the guidance, insight, and support received from CollegeCore was invaluable. Once again a big thank you- Urvashi Ma’am and the entire team.

There were many wow moments but if I had to single out one, it would be strategizing Pranav’s Early Decision application keeping in mind his profile culminating in his admission acceptance by Rice University for his dream major.