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Category: USA

Why not India?

Is it possible to have zillions of concepts in your mind but still be uneducated? Uh…? Is brain drain after high school worse than brain drain after college? After all there are as many articles complaining about students who go for undergrad as IIT-ians and IIM grads going to US Companies each year! That’s true… […]

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5 Takeaways from the USC Information Session

Missed the USC Information Session in the CollegeCore office on April 19th?   Unsure if you would have the chance to go visit USC?  Not sure what the most important thing is on the website virtual tour? This post is meant to give you the quick and dirty update on important things you may have […]

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The New SAT vs. ACT

Trying to decide which test is best? Before we get into the nitty-gritties of comparing the New SAT and ACT, let me make one thing very clear. SAT and ACT are equally accepted in universities abroad. Understand one thing…..If you want a competitive college application, you need high test scores. And if you want high […]

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